




     殷鹏(Peng Yin),博士,副研究员,博导。


殷鹏,中国科学院大学博士生导师,深圳市高层次人才(海外)。研究方向为生物医学大数据,计算生物学,多组学人工智能算法研究等。在国际著名期刊Advanced Science(IF=17.51)、Briefings in Bioinformatics(IF=13.99) 和一流国际会议发表文章几十余篇并多次获优秀论文奖,申请国内发明专利20项,PCT专利3项,授权5项发明专利。2017年回国在深圳先进院工作;主持国家自然科学基金1项,承担中科院先导B、中科院STS重点项目子课题,主持深圳市科创委重点项目2项。中国医促会健康大数据和数字化医疗分会青年委员,中国计算机学会、深圳人工智能协会会员。



1.  2017-至今 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,生物医学信息研究中心,PI,博士生导师

2.  2014 -2017 英国利物浦大学,生物统计系,博士后,合作导师:Prof Andrew P Morris, Prof Andrea Jorgensen, Prof Sir Munir Pirmohamed


1.  2009/10 -2014/2, 英国纽卡斯尔大学,统计学博士,导师:史建清

2.  2005/9-2009/7, 中国科学技术大学,统计学,理学学士


中国医促会健康大数据和数字化医疗分会 青年学术部委员



1.  国家自然科学基金青年项目(主持),基于偏差估计的协变量不可忽略缺失数据敏感性分析研究,2019-2021,结题。

2.  中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类),多维大数据驱动的中国人群精准健康研究,数据挖掘、计算与分析系统,2020.1-2024.12,1700万,在研,子课题负责人。

3.  中国科学院科技服务网络计划重点项目(子课题负责人),基于大数据的慢性病风险防控服务体系建设,2019-2020,结题。

4.  广东省科技项目,粤港澳人机智能协同系统联合实验室,在研。

5.  深圳市基础研究项目(主持),基于健康大数据的心血管高危因素挖掘与风险评估,2018-2021,300万,在研。

6.  深圳市基础研究项目(co-PI),肿瘤细菌治疗机理的蛋白质组学研究,2018-2021,200万,结题。

7.  深圳市基础研究项目(co-PI),面向健康养老的多模态智能监护关键技术研究,2018-2021,结题。


[1]    Hu F, Hu Y, Zhang W, Huang H, Pan Y, Yin P(*). A Multimodal Protein Representation Framework for Quantifying Transferability Across Biochemical Downstream Tasks. Advanced Science. 2023 May 30 doi: 10.1002/advs.202301223. IF=17.521

[2]    Fan Hu#, Lei Wang#, Yishen Hu, Dongqi Wang, Weijie Wang, Jianbing Jiang, Nan Li, Peng Yin(*). A Novel Framework Integrating AI Model and Enzymological Experiments Promotes Identification of SARS-CoV-2 3CL Protease Inhibitors and Activity-based Probe. Briefings in Bioinformatics. bbab301, 2021. (JCR Q1) IF=13.994; citation: 9

[3]    Fan Hu#, Jiaxin Jiang#, Dongqi Wang, Muchun Zhu and Peng Yin(*). MultiPLI: interpretable multi‐task deep learning model for unifying protein–ligand interaction datasets. Journal of Cheminformatics. 2021. 13: 30. (JCR Q1) IF=8.489; citation: 13

[4]    Fan Hu, Dongqi Wang, Huazhen Huang, Yishen Hu, and Peng Yin(*). Bridging the Gap between Target-Based and Cell-Based Drug Discovery with a Graph Generative Multitask Model. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2022 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.2c01180. IF=6.162;

[5]    Hu F, Jiang J, Yin P. Prediction of Potential Commercially Available Inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 by Multi-Task Deep Learning Model. Biomolecules. 2022; 12(8):1156. IF= 6.064 (citation: 64).

[6]    Wang, P., Li, Q., Yin, P(*) et al. A convolution neural network approach for fall detection based on adaptive channel selection of UWB radar signals. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-14. (2022). (JCR Q1) IF=5.102

[7]    Zhu M#, Yin P(#*), Hu F, Jiang J, Yin L, Li Y, Wang S. Integrating genome-wide association and transcriptome prediction model identifies novel target genes for osteoporosis. OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL. 2021, 32(12): 2493-2503. (JCR Q1) IF=5.072; citation=3

[8]   Yin, P.#, Meng, J. #, Chen, J. # et al. Antiviral drugs arbidol and interferon alpha-1b contribute to reducing the severity of COVID-19 patients: a retrospective cohort study. Virology Journal,18, 142 (2021). IF=5.913; citation=9

[9]     Yin P. and Shi J.Q(*). Simulation-based sensitivity analysis for non-ignorably missing data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. JAN 2019. 28(1):289-308. (JQR Q1); citation=11

[10]    Susceptibility to corticosteroid-induced adrenal suppression: a genome-wide association study. Daniel B Hawcutt; Ben Francis; Daniel F Carr; Andrea L Jorgensen; Peng Yin; Naomi Wallin; Natalie O’Hara; Eunice J Zhang; Katarzyna M Bloch; Amitava Ganguli; Ben Thompson; Laurence McEvoy; Matthew Peak;, Andrew A Crawford; Brian R Walker; Joanne C Blair; Jonathan Couriel; Rosalind L Smyth; Munir Pirmohamed(*). Lancet Respiratory Medicine. JUN 2018. 6(6): 442-450. (JQR Q1, IF=102.642) citation: 61

[11]    DeepBindRG: a deep learning based method for estimating effective protein–ligand affinity. Haiping Zhang, Linbu Liao, Konda Mani Saravanan, Peng Yin(*) and Yanjie Wei(*).PeerJ. 2019; 7:e7362. (JCR Q2) citation: 76

[12]    Tumor Temporal Proteome Profiling Reveals the Immunological Triple Offensive Induced by Synthetic Anti-Cancer Salmonella. Yang SX, Zhao WJZhu MC, et al. and Yin P., Li N. Front. Immunol.,12, 3350. 2021. (JQR Q1). IF=8.786

[13]    A Genome-wide Association Study of Circulating Levels of Atorvastatin and Its Major Metabolites. Turner RM, Fontana V, Zhang JE, Carr D, Yin P, FitzGerald R, Morris AP, Pirmohamed M. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2020 Aug;108(2):287-297. IF=6.903; citation=17

[14]    Investigating the prevalence, predictors and prognosis of suboptimal statin therapy early after a non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome. Turner, R. M. (*); Yin, P.; Hanson, A.; FitzGerald, R.; Morris, A. P.; Stables, R.; Jorgensen, A. L. and Pirmohamed, M. Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2017; 11(1):204-214.  (JQR Q1) IF=5.365; citation=23

[15]   Clinical predictors of proteinuric remission following an LN flare - evidence from the UK JSLE cohort study. Smith E.M.D. (*); Yin P.; Jorgensen A.L.; Beresford M.W. Pediatric Rheumatology. FEB 2018. 21;16(1):14. (JQR Q1); citation=8

[16]    Thiesen S, Yin P, Jorgensen AL, Zhang JE, Manzo V, McEvoy L, Barton C, Picton S, Bailey S, Brock P, Vyas H, Walker D, Makin G, Bandi S, Pizer B, Hawcutt DB, Pirmohamed M. TPMT, COMT and ACYP2 genetic variants in paediatric cancer patients with cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2017 Jun;27(6):213-222. Citation: 61.

[17]    Transcriptome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Candidate Genes Associated with Osteoporosis. Muchun Zhu, Peng Yin(*). 美国ASHG会议2019.

[18]    Multivariate Time Series Missing Data Imputation Using Recurrent Denoising Autoencoder. Jianye Zhang; Peng Yin*. 美国 BIBM 2019. (CCF B)

[19]    Interpretable Prediction of Protein-Ligand Interaction by Convolutional Neural Network. Fan Hu; Jiaxin Jiang; Peng Yin*.美国 BIBM 2019. (CCF B)

[20]Generating Novel Compounds Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Based On Imbalanced Dataset, Fan Hu, Dongqi Wang, Yishen Hu, Jiaxin Jiang and Peng Yin*. 2020 IEEE International  Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). IEEE, pp 432-436. (CCF B)

[21]    Structure Enhanced Protein-Drug Interaction Prediction using Transformer and Graph Embedding, Fan Hu, Yishen Hu, Dongqi Wang, Jiaxin Jiang, Peng Yin*; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) Seoul (online) 2020, pp 1010-1014. (CCF B)


Ø  殷鹏; 周家岐; 集合间相似度的确定方法和装置, 2020-5-19, 中国, ZL201711317249.5. (专利)

Ø  朱木春; 殷鹏; 艾红; 胡帆; 骨密度性状遗传力分析方法及装置, 2020-9-22,中国, ZL201811551760.6. (专利

Ø  蒋佳新,杨超,殷鹏;数据特征提取方法、装置及电子设备,2018-12-14,中国,ZL201811540504.7

Ø  杨超,殷鹏,蒋佳新;一种基于多组学集成的癌症亚型分类方法,2018-12-07,中国,ZL201811496363.3

Ø  胡帆,邓宇芳,朱木春,艾红,殷鹏;一种小分子抑制剂在抑制病毒沉默抑制蛋白中的应用,2018-12-18,中国,ZL201811554666.6



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