Address:1068 Xueyuan Boulevard, University Town of Shenzhen, Xili Nanshan, Shenzhen, China
Director of the research center, PhD, Professor
Ye Li is currently a full professor in Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He has also served as the deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Health Informatics, CAS, and deputy dean of National Research Center of Health Big Data, CAS. He received the Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering in 2006 from Arizona State University, AZ, U.S., and worked in CAS since 2008. His research interests include wearable sensing and computing, health big data, and body sensor networks. He has published more than 150 papers with over 21 published in IEEE Transactions/Journals. He was authorized 69 patents, and 6 ITU and CCSA standard proposals of E-health admitted.
Prof. Li is a Senior Member of IEEE, and he has served as an editorial board member of journal Information Fusion since 2018 and the International Advisory Board member of journal Physiological Measurement since 2017, and Guest Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal in 2018. And he was invited to organize a special session in IEEE BHI & BSN 2019 and acted as the Session Chair. He also acted as Special Session Co-Chair in IEEE SMC 2019, Track Co-Chair in BODYNETS 2019, member of Program Committee Chair in PICom 2018, conference Chair of IEEE MDBS 2017 and HIS 2016, etc.
Research Field:
Wearable medical and health networking, health informatics, low-power communication, etc.
Representive Publications:
1. Qihang Yao, Ruxin Wang, Xiaomao Fan, Jikui Liu, Ye Li*. Multi-class Arrhythmia detection from 12-lead varied-length ECG using Attention-based Time-Incremental Convolutional Neural Network, Information Fusion, 53(2020), 174-182.
2. Fangmin Sun, Weiling Zang, Raffaele Gravina, Giancarlo Fortino, Ye Li*. Gait-based identification for elderly users in wearable healthcare systems, Information Fusion, 53(2020), 134-144.
3. Weilin Zang, Fen Miao, Raffaele Gravina, Fangmin Sun, Giancarlo Fortino, Ye Li*. CMDP-based intelligent transmission for wireless body area network in remote health monitoring, Neural Computing and Applications2019, 1-9
4. Fen Miao, Zeng-Ding Liu, Ji-Kui Liu, Bo Wen, Qing-Yun He and Ye Li*. Multi-sensor Fusion Approach for Cuff-less Blood Pressure Measurement, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019
5. Zhaolong Ning; Peiran Dong; Xiaojie Wang; Mohammad S. Obaidat;Xiping Hu; Lei Guo; Yi Guo;Jun Huang; Bin Hu; Ye Li*. When Deep Reinforcement Learning Meets 5G Vehicular Networks:A Distributed Offloading Framework for Traffic Big Data. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019.
6. Fangmin Sun; Chenfei Mao; Xiaomao Fan; Ye Li*. Accelerometer-Based Speed-Adaptive Gait Authentication Method for Wearable IoT Devices, IEEE Internet of Things Journal2018
7. Xiaomao Fan; Qihang Yao; Yunpeng Cai; Fen Miao; Ye Li*. Multi-Scaled Fusion of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Screening Atrial Fibrillation from Single Lead Short ECG Recordings, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics2018, 22(6):1744-1753
8. Hao Zhang, Ye Li*. A Low-Power Dynamic-Range Relaxed Analog Front End for Wearable Heart Rate and Blood Oximetry Sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018
9. Fen Miao, Xurong Wang, Liyan Yin, Ye Li*. A Wearable Sensor for Arterial Stiffness Monitoring Based on Machine Learning Algorithms, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018
10. Zengding Liu; Jikui Liu; Bo Wen; Qingyun He; Ye Li; Fen Miao*. Cuffless blood pressure estimation using pressure pulse wave signals, Sensors, 2018, 18(12), 4227.
11. Fen Miao; Nan Fu; Yuan-Ting Zhang; Xiao-Rong Ding; Xi Hong; Qingyun He; Ye Li*. A Novel Continuous Blood Pressure Estimation Approach Based on Data Mining Techniques, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics2017.
12. Fangmin Sun, Chenfu Yi, Ye Li*. Battery-Friendly Scheduling Policy in MAC Layer for WBAN Data Packets Transmission, IET communications, 2017
13. Weilin Zang; Ye Li*. Gait Cycle Driven Transmission Power Control Scheme for Wireless Body Area Network, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2017
14. Hongyan Wu, Yunpeng Cai, Yongsheng Wu, Ren Zhong, Qi Li, Jing Zheng, Denan Lin, Ye Li*. Time series analysis of weekly influenza-like illness rate using a one-year period of factors in random forest regression, BioScience Trends, 2017.
15. Pu Wang, Ruiquan Ge, Liming Liu, Xuan Xiao, Ye Li*, and Yunpeng Cai*. Multi-label Learning for Predicting the Activities of Antimicrobial Peptides, Scientific Reports, 2017.
16. Weilin Zang, Shengli Zhang, Ye Li*. An Accelerometer-Assisted Transmission Power Control Solution for Energy-Efficient Communications in WBAN, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2016.
17. Xiaorong Ding, Ni Zhao, Guangzhong Yang, Roderic Pettigrew, Benny Lo, Fen Miao, Ye Li, Jing Liu, Yuanting Zhang*. Continuous Blood Pressure Measurement from Invasive to Unobtrusive: Celebration of 200th Birth Anniversary of Carl Ludwig, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016
18. Fen Miao, Yi He, Jinlei Liu, Ye Li*, Idowu Ayoola. Identifying typical physical activity on smartphone with varying positions and orientations, Biomedical Engineering OnLine(2015), 14(1): 32,P1-15
19. Fen Miao, Yayu Cheng , Yi He , Qingyun He, Ye Li*. A Wearable Context-Aware ECG Monitoring System Integrated with Built-in Kinematic Sensors of the Smartphone, Sensors 2015, 15(5), P11465-11484.
20. Chenfu Yi, Lili Wang, Ye Li*. Energy Efficient Transmission Approach for WBAN Based on Threshold Distance, IEEE Sensor Journal ,15(9),2015.pp5133-5141.
21. Fen Miao, Yun-Peng Cai, Yu-Xiao Zhang, Ye Li, Yuan-Ting Zhang*. Risk Prediction of One-Year Mortality in Patients with Cardiac Arrhythmias Using Random Survival Forest. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2015.
22. Dengyu Qiao, Tan He, Boping Hu, Ye Li*, Non-contact physiological signal detection using continuous wave Doppler radar, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 2013,Vol.24,No.1,P993-1000
23. Chenguang He, Xiaomao Fan, Ye Li*,Toward Ubiquitous Healthcare Services with A Novel Efficient Cloud Platform, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,Vol.60, No.1, Jan.2013, pp230-234.
24. Huhe Dai*, Shouda Jiang, Ye Li, Atrial Activity Extraction Form Single Lead ECG Recordings: Evaluation of Two Novel Methods, ELSEVIER Computers in Biology and Medicine. 43(3), pp. 176-183, 2013.
25. Honggang Li, Chenfu Yi, Ye Li, Battery-Friendly Packet Transmission Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal,2013, Vol.13,No.10, P1-10.
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